LEED Certification
Core & Shell
Pending Certification

Odeon Tower

Location: City of Buenos Aires, Argentina

In a short time, the urban landscape of Corrientes Avenue will have a new lighthouse. In the corner of the emblematic avenue and the Esmeralda street, the Odeón Tower will rise, thus baptized in honor of the theater that was demolished in the early 90's. The project, by Dujovne-Hirsch & Asociados with BMA, will come to comply with Law 14,800, which requires the owners of a site where there was a theater, are required to incorporate a new one of similar characteristics.

There will be more than 400 parking spots in several underground levels. This was a real hard task with lots of constructive difficulties, since the existence of two subway lines in the area. Therefore, the structural consultant, Alberto Fainstein, developed a shoring strategy for the excavation, taking advantage of the reinforcement pieces that will then be incorporated into the final structure.

Odeon Tower

Scope of work by Green Group: 

  • Diagnostics & Feasibility Analysis
  • LEED Certification
  • Commissioning
  • Energy Simulation


Odeon Tower - Pictures